Marshmallow Root c/s
Excluding Sales Tax
Spp. Althaea officinalis
Fam. Malvaceae
Moistening and cooling. Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary.
Marshmallow root is said to be a great alternative to slippery elm. It is considered to be a wonderfully soothing herb for the digestive tract and lungs. It has been used in sore throat, cold, flu, and lung formulas. It seems to soothe inflamed and irritated tissues, and help reduce swelling. Marshmallow is often found in formulas aiding the kidneys and urinary tract.
Found in our For The Man, Healing All 7 Chakras, Immune Booster, Flush My Bladder, Mellow Moon Time, Milkin Mama, Respiratory Relief, Restore My Vitality, Sore Throat Soother, and Tummy Tamer Blends.
Kosher and USDA organic